8B/17, G.T. ROAD (WEST), Konnagar, Hooghly, India


Senior Block: 8336935437 | Junior Block: 8336935072

Admission is Going on for the Session 2022-23

School at a Glance

Xavier’s English School is a Christian Minority English Medium School for boys and girls owned and
administered by INDIAN CHRISTIAN MISSION for Christian Children. The School is affiliated to the
Council for The Indian School. Certificate Examinations, New Delhi (ICSE & ISC). The school although
christian in character, pfovision is also made to admit and provide education for pupils of other religions
denominations, castes and creeds. It is open to all Communities from Pre-Nursery to XII.
1. To provide a sound all – round education in keeping with the traditions of the Indian Christian Mission
as well as Churches of Christ.
2. By forming in our students habits of honesty, disci pline and self-reliance so as to enable them to
become useful citizens of their motherland, India.
3. Students are prepared for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination & Indian School
Certificate Examination. The School has three streams:- Science, Commerce and Humanities (Arts).
4. To mould the character of the students and to educate them to become good citizen and take their
proper share in their Community and serve their motherland in a spirit of service and sacrifice.
5. The school wishes to infrom all concerned that in order facilitate the learning in English, all children
are urged and encouraged to speak and think in English during School working hours and as much as
possible after School working hours.
6. VACATION There are three vacations during the year. The Summer vacation in may, the Puja vacation
during Puja and Christmas in December.
i) The school follows the curriculum as suggested and laid down by the Council for the Indian School
Certificate Examinations, New Delhi.
ii) The medium of instructions right through is English. A students has to choose Bangali or Hindi as
second language. If the child takes Bengali as 2nd Language he/ she has to take Hindi / French as 3rd
Language and vice-versa. The subjects taught in the school are:-
English Language, English Literature, Hindi, Bengali, History / Civics, Geography, Mathematics, General
Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), Moral, Science, General Knowledge, Economics, Computer Science
and S.U.P.W. XI and XII English 2nd Language, Comm. Studies, Accounts, B.S.T., French, Sociology,
Psychology, Home Sciene, Pol Science, Arts, Evs.

Scout / Yoga, Games, karate, N.C.0 Music, Dance Classes Under the tutelage of experienced teachers /


Pre - Nursery3+Class V10+ to 11+
Nursery4+ to 5+Class VI11+ to 12+
K. G5+ to 6+Class VII12+ to 13+
Class I6+ to 7+Class VIII13+ to 14+
Class II7+ to 8+Class IX14+ to 15+
Class III8+ to 9+Class X15 + to 16+ after passing
Class IV9+ to 10+

Lesson in Scripture are given to all students.
Text books, Exercise and stationery must be purchased from the school and students are not allowed to
use any exercise books other than those supplied by the school.
It-is compulsory for all children for Classes Nursery to XII have a School Diary. All parents are requested
to kindly study this book as it contains all the important information and programme of school for the
entire year.
i) Selection for admission to Pre-Nursery, Nursery and K.G. will be made on the basis of a written / oral
ii) Those who qualify in the Admission Test be called for an interview. Parents (both mother & father /
guardian) must accompany the student seeking admission to the school.
Ili) A candidate who seeks admission must product the following documents.

(a) Baptism / Birth Certificate (from Corporation/Municipality/ Gram Panchayat) for those seeking
admission in School.
(b) The latest progress reports from comparable school for those seeking admission from Class I
(c) When admitted a transfer certificate from the former school must be submitted with the
admission form if the student is from West Bengal. If from other State transfer certificate must
be produced from the school where the student last attended classes and must be
countersigned by DEO/ Inspector of School.
Note : No correspondence on the performance of the candidate in the Admission Test will be
entertained. The decision of the Principal/Administrative Officer is final. The school reserves the right to
amend the fee structure during the current academic year. If so parents will be duly informed.

13. Withdrawals
(a) No leaving certificate will he issued until all dues of the school have been paid in full and then
only on receipt of a written application from the Parent or Guardian giving at least seven days notice
and after paying T.0 & search charges.
(b) If the withdrawal notice is given within 30th March only T.C. & search charges should be paid
with two month notice or two month fees.
(c) Pupils failing two years in succession in the same class will be struck off the rolls and considered
withdrawn from the school.
(d) The Principal can in the interest of the school have a student removed if in the former's opinion
the student has failed to accept the discipline of the school and his/ her continued presence is
detrimental to the interest of the other students.
Note : The office must be immediately informed in writing of any change of address & Phone no.
(e) Presents to the staff, demonstrations in their honour are not permitted.
(f) No food stuff must be purchased by the pupils from the vendors outside of the school gates.
(g) All pupils should come to the school on the opening day fully equipped with all books and stationery
required for their respective classes. _
The school is compulsory on all working days. Parents and Guardians are requested to ensure that they
follow the prescribed unifrom that are provided to their wards.
Pre-Nursery to Class V

Boys : White and blue striped half shirt and peacock blue dour half pant with blue and white tie and
white socks with two blue borders.
Girls : White and blue stripe half shirt and blue with blue and white Tie and white Socks.

Class : VI
Boys : White and blue Stripe Shirt and peacock blue full
Girls . White and blue stripe Shirt and divider skirt P.T. Dress as per their house colours..
Hair : i) Hair below shoulder length should be neatly plaited.
ii) No coloured clips, bands should be worn only black is permitted.
No jewellery except small ear studs or ear rings should be worn. Any breach of this rule will cause the
attending articles to be confiscated. Nails should be neatly cut.
No Colours allowed in the hair.
Note : No usage of mobiles/cell phone in school premises. A fine of Rs.500/- will be charged for those
with cell phones.
b) Winter Session :
Peacock-blue blazers for boys and girls. Parents must insist on neatness and cleanliness in their personal
appearance. Pupils who come to school with dirty dress and dressed in a disorderly manner are likely to
be sent home.
15. School Transport is available.
Pre Nursery 9.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.
Nursery 9.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.
K.G. 8.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.
Class I to Class II 8.00 a.m. – 11.20 a.m.
Class III to V 11.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.
Class VI to X 9.30 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.
Class XI – XII 9.30 a.m. – 3.00 p.m
Class VI to Class XII Reporting time 9.30 a.m.

a) 80% attendance is required for class K.G to Class V. Class VI to class XII 75 % Attendance at
School Assembly is compulsory for all children.
b) A Pupil reporting after these times mentioned above will not be allowed entry.
c) In addition to satisfying the academic standard, a pupil will have to put in at least 85% of the
total attendance to justify promdti on.
d) Classes, X XI and XII produce 75% attendance in each term failing which he will not be allowed to
sit for the board exams.
e) No pupil is to be absent from school (except in cases of unforseen illness) for a day two without
the permission from the school. Must have the reason of their absence briefly may be submitted in a
separate letter. Birthday, execursions, marriage, urgent business are not sufficient reasons.
f) Pupils must be punctual for class. To be admitted to the class room, absentess and late corners
must show the class teacher their Regularity Record duly countersigned by the PrincipaVHead of the
g) If a pupil is absent for aperiod of three days or more at a stretch due to illness, a medical
certificate must be submitted to the office.
h) Pupils who are absent for more than one month without Intimation 'are liable to have their
names struck off the School rolls.
i) Pupils afflicted with infectious diseases must complete the quarantine period before rejoining
school. In such cases, a medical fitness certificate must be produced.
j) If a pupil is unwell, he/she should not be sent to school under any circumstances.
k) Pupils absent for Units / Terminal tests will not be retested.
I) A pupil is not permitted to leave the school premisses during school hours except in cases of
emergency and with the permission of the Principal / Head of the Department.
rn) The Parents must urge their wards to be regular in attendance.
n) Parents / Guardians are requested to refer to the school Calender regarding terminal holidays in
planning their vacations. Requests for leave of absence prior to the official closing date of the school will
not be entertained and such absentees will be viewed seriously.
18) REPORT AND PROMOTION : Important Points
a) Parents should collect the report card and present in PTM.

b) In case of failiure, report card should be collected within a period of one week otherwise fine
(Rs. 200/-) will be imposed.
c) Report cards should be returned within one week of the day collection or else fine (Rs. 200/-) will be
d) A system of continuous assessment of the child is followed by the school.
e) Promotion from Pre-nursery to Class K.G. will depend on the whole year's assessment.
f) Two report in a year will be given to the parents regarding the progress of the child including the unit
tests and class tests report.
a) There will be two terminals Examinations during academic year.
b) Promotion will be decided on the whole year's performance including the result of unit tests,
Class test, Project,
Terminal and Annual Examinations.
c) 40% is the pass mark in all subjects and 45% in aggregate
d) All pupils from class I to XII must pass in English and 2nd Language.
e) In all question of promotion or failure the Principal's decision is final.

a) Classes IX and XI will have two terminal tests in the pattern of public examination (ICSE & ISC).
b) All pupils from class IX and X must pass in English, and five Other subjects securing at least 40%
c) All pupils must have 75% attendance each term to qualify them for selection of ICSE
a) Parents I Guardian are invited to communicate with the Principal with written application by
Prior Appartment.
b) Parents are requested not to visit class rooms or interview the teacher during class-hours or visit
the Principal/Teachers aid their residence.
c) Class-teachers may meet parents every Friday only on Prior appointment Given to the Office.

d) In all correspondences with the school parents / guardians should mention the full name of the
pupil together with the class and section in which he/ she is studying.
e) Office Time Sn. Block at 9.00am to 12.15pm & Jn. Block Office time 8.00 am to 1.00 pm.
f) Defiance of Rules & Regulations will be met with serious consequences. It sould be the pride of
every Xavier's English School Student to look his/her best and to be at his/her best behaviors at all
times. Inside and outside school and make his/her contribution to the image of the school.
ISC : (Class XI & XII)
The ISC – XII is a separate course. Admission to ISC-XI Section of the school is entirely at the discretion of
the Governing Body of the school even for the students who have completed ICSE (X) from XAVIER'S
ENGLISH SCHOOL. A new application form must be submitted for registration and admission this course.
School property damaged or destroyed will be required to be replaced with fine.
Student / Parents! Guardians are not permitted to given personal gifts to the staff members.
22 Rules regarding the payment of school fees & other charges.
a) School fees are payable in avanced and should be remitted to the School Cash Office by the 15th
of the month for which the fees are charged. Payment after this date is subject to a over all fee of Rs.
200/- per month for class P.Nur to XII for every cumulative basis.
b) A student whose fees are over 2 months in arrears may
I' have his / her name struck off the roles. Such a student is (she I he wishes) to continue studying in the
school, then all arrears with fresh Admission / Readmission fee will be charged.
) Part payment of Monthly Fees will not be accepted.
d) Full fees are charges for full school year irrespective of school holidays or break periods.
e) Fees are payable for every month during which the child's name is on register regardless of
whether the child is attending or not.
f) Duplicate Progress Report 200/-
23. Fees are payable in cash only.
1. Respect every teacher whether of your own class or not. Be grate towards those who taught you in
the past. Show your teachers those exterior signs of reverence to which they are entitled, such as,
greeting them.

2. Be convinced that your teachers deeply feel their serious obligation of promoting your welfare in the
best way they possibly can, and that in advising, commanding and correct¬ing you, they have nothing
else in view but your own good.
3. Always rise when your teacher enter the class and again when they leave. If they delay in coming do
not make any noise, but wait for them in your places in silence, review-^g your lesson.
4.) During class avoid whispering of interruption.
1. Strive to edify your school-mates by your good example at all time. In fact no sermone is more
efficacious than good example.
2. Never make fun of those who are backward in their studies or not so quick to grasp their
lessons. Let there be no ridiculing of any one on account of his physical defect. What you laugh at or
despise in others may some day befall you. r
3. Gladly help one another at recreation; make no distinction in the choice of your companions. Let
no one be slighted in any game and let there be no selfishness. If there be need to make a sacrifice for
the sake of the team let it be made cheerfully.
4. When you are asked by a superior regarding the conduct of some of your companions, answer
to the best of your know-ledge especially when it is a matter of preventing or remedying some evil. To
be silent would not be beneficial to your companion and would be offensive to God. Always avoid
exaggeration and speak truthfully.
1. To write or draw on the blackboard (except when called upon to do so), to write offensive
words, to soil walls or maps or anything else are things absolutely to be avoided.
2. Take great care of your text-books, copy books and other belongings. Beware of appropriating
your neighbour's pro¬perly even if it be the smallest thing. Should you find a lost article, give it at once
to the office.
3. Always talk in English

Grades :
A – Excellent (90-100)
B – Very Good (80-89)
C – Good (70-79)

D – Fair (60-69)
E – Satisfactory (40-59)
F – Unsatisfactory (Below 40)